Monday, February 6, 2012

Class Discussion #1- Revising

Welcome to the last part of our online writing lesson! I hope you have learned how to find and fix errors in writing. This is important because our class is going to start doing "writing workshops" next week. After you finish your rough draft for your next writing assignment, we will be looking at each others' papers and helping each other catch any errors so we can write great essays. 

So, I have a few questions for you to answer! Please answer the following questions as a comment on this blog post. You may discuss them with a partner if you would like!
  1.  How have these activities helped prepare you for writing workshops?
  2.  How do you think writing workshops will help you in your own writing? Think about what you learned from the game "Edit Dan's Copy."
  3. Looking back at your answers to the first questions from the beginning of our lesson, how do you think your understanding of revising has changed from what you learned today? 
  4. What are some common errors you saw during your activities today? Did any of the errors look similar to your own writing? If so, what can you do to change that?
Feel free to comment on each others' responses!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Technology in Classrooms

This is my first blog post on my new blog for my Technology class! Check back if you would like updates on what I am learning!